Guitar hero live for xbox 360
Guitar hero live for xbox 360

guitar hero live for xbox 360


This is how to change controller batteries:

guitar hero live for xbox 360

If the batteries are the problem, below is a possible solution. If the problem continues, you should contact the manufacturer or seller for a possible change of item. Disconnect and reconnect your guitar by pressing on the lever at the back of the guitar.

guitar hero live for xbox 360

While doing this, make sure to check the batteries for the wireless guitar and charge it if need be. Then use the first step to reconnect the guitar, once you have reconnected, restart the Xbox 360.

  • Then disconnect the guitar using the “guide button by holding it down.
  • Remove or move any wireless devices and metallic objects from the Xbox, these are known to interfere with the connections, then repeat the first step again.
  • Press the “connect” button on your console, you will then notice four flashing lights on the guitar which will suddenly go off with just one flashing light.
  • Start by pressing the “sync” button found at the bottom of your guitar.
  • Here is how you can sync the guitar to the console Xbox 360. How to troubleshoot the guitar controller? There are several ways to sort these problems, like replacing the batteries, moving things around, changing the position of the console, and in most cases troubleshooting to find the problem. Some possible reasons which include the batteries of the Xbox 360 wireless controller are weak, or the rechargeable battery of the Xbox 360 needs recharging, or there is an interference from electronic devices or metallic objects like shelves, wireless router, microwave, and cordless phones, or the console has up to four controllers connected to it. After doing some research, I found out why won’t my guitar hero guitar connect to my Xbox 360, just like a game lag refusing to connect to the internet, there are general reasons guitar hero don’t connect to Xbox 360, they include: Some users also complain it establishes a connection within seconds it disconnects again. Some of the complain include that the light just blinks but does not establish any connection even after following the instructions from the manual. Many Xbox 360 users have complained that their hero guitar cannot connect to Xbox 360.

    Guitar hero live for xbox 360