Pea size hail fell northeast of Fairbanks from thunderstorms whose tops were less than 8000 feet.ġ986 – World’s worst nuclear disaster: 4th reactor at Chernobyl nuclear power station in USSR explodes, 31 die, radioactive contamination reaches much of Western Europe.

The frost was quite severe around Huntsville, Alabama, and highlighted a backward spring in the South that year.ġ978 – An unusually strong occluded front swept out of the Gulf of Alaska and produced the first April thunderstorm of record at Fairbanks. If you’re low income and can’t afford a weather radio, please visit our link at Creative Compassion at and find our “weather radio campaign application.”ġ834 – Killer frosts were reported in the Deep South. If you use that link a portion of the proceeds go to my MM space camp this summer. At least 12 tornadoes strike Middle Tennessee. What is a Meteorologist Meteorology is the science concerned with the Earths atmosphere and its physical processes. Four people are killed by an F-3 tornado east of Clarksville. About 75 homes are damaged or destroyed at Centerville, and losses total over $100,000. As a Meteorologist youll focus on the tactical implications of weather and atmospheric conditions for our aircraft, ships and submarines. An F-3 tornado strikes Hickman and Williamson Counties, killing 17, and injuring 43. In Bee Spring alone, 22 persons are killed. It is the 2nd deadliest tornado ever to strike Middle Tennessee. An F-4 tornado hits Giles and Lincoln Counties, killing 31, and injuring 70.

1909 – The deadliest tornado outbreak in Middle Tennessee history hits from the evening hours on April 29 into the early morning hours on April 30, killing 62 people.